Friday, July 2, 2010

Where is the Mayor?

Since Mayor Barrett saw fit to have his puppets interject the issue of "politics" into the equation, here is the question I would ask the mayor should he deign to so much as acknowledge the OpenSky fiasco: “Are you ignoring OpenSky because you are not doing your job or because the lives of our officers aren’t as important as your political career?”

No, Mr. Mayor, we are not talking about a future job. We are asking you to do your current job.

CRG, the police and fire unions and Alderman Donovan, Chair of the City’s Public Safety Committee brought forward 500 pages of police officer reports documenting life-threatening situations caused by the City’s scandal-ridden radio system. The response: the Mayor sends a PR guy to try and sweep it under the rug (or, at least over to the police chief). What could be more insulting to the officers who put their lives on the line?

Could it be that OpenSky might turn out to be the biggest scandal in his administration?  What else could have left the mayor so shy and tongue-tied?  Believe it or not, the Mayor had a staffer issue a statement on his stationary that did not mention the Mayor’s name, his position or a response to the scandal.

So, I Googled “OpenSky Mayor Barrett.” Give it a try. I paged and paged and could not find an instance of the Mayor talking about the radio system his Administration has been “working on” for six years.  If you had people working for you who said your action (or inaction) risked their lives, would you get personally involved?

I guess the Mayor's team didn't have much time to prep their fall-guy for the post press conference spin-a-thon. It seems even Chief Flynn (who has only been around for a couple of years) admits "not much had gotten done" over the previous six years.  Oops, that's right, his boss, Mayor Barrett, was in charge for all six of those years!

Click the video above.  Wow, talk about getting it straight from the horses mouth!

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