Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Alarm Bell #3: September 11, A Day That Lives in Infamy for Mayor Tom Barrett

You’d think that the anniversary of the most massive and deadly terrorist attack on U.S. soil would get the attention of the mayor if he found out our firefighters can’t talk to other departments and agencies.

Not our Mayor Barrett. This is Alarm Bell No. 3 for our mayor in our 11-part series of the mayoral meltdown on the faulty fire radios of the OpenSky scandal.

On Sept. 11, 2007, the Milwaukee Fire Department completely missed activating the system needed to allow firefighters to talk to each other and other responders.

This is more than a year after Mayor Barrett PAID FOR a system that was already years late.

From the Department’s investigation:

(click image to enlarge)

Great idea, pay for the stuff that doesn’t work. That’ll never lead to years more of delay, poor service and failed technology. OOPS, we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Mayor Barrett hit the snooze button again. Not a word. Not a peep. Not a memo. Not a news release. Nada!

Check this document out.  MFD “completely misses” MABAS activation – Sept. 11, 2007.

(click image to enlarge)

What was Mayor Barrett doing on 9-11-07? Not ensuring his fire department could communicate with other departments. MABAS stands for Mutual Aid Box Alarm System. 9-11-01 showed the importance of emergency service systems being able to communicate with one another. MABAS was adopted as the system to allow regional departments to work together as mandated by law. Barrett apparently missed the delay in implementation.

You can’t expect Mayor Barrett to do anything, he’s only the Mayor!

In fairness, while he was putting his police officers and firefighters in daily danger by ignoring the part of his job where he does stuff, at least he has people who make sure the bills are paid.

Click to view the lists of exhibits cited above.  Read the source documents then ask yourself, "Where the heck was 'Mayor Milk Carton' when all this was going on?"  Unbelievable!

Exhibit 6
Exhibit 7
Exhibit 12
Exhibit 13
Exhibit 27
Exhibit 41

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